Research Projects

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Total Records Found: 60, showing 50 per page
NJ #StatusYearTitlePerforming OrganizationPrincipal InvestigatorProject Manager
In progress Weight-In-Motion (WIM) Analysis for New Jersey Bridges for Establishing Various Live Load Models for Design and Bridges management Task Rutgers University Nassif٫ Hani Ukpah٫ Priscilla
In progress Identifying Travel Needs for South Jersey and Shore Customer Survey Rowan University Jalayer٫ Mohammad Patel٫ Kamal
In progress Best Practices in Transit Customer Satisfaction Surveys Rutgers UniversIty, Voorhees Transportation Center Salerno, Miriam Potapa٫ Stefanie
In progress Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques – Phase II Rutgers University Wang٫ Hao Venkiteela٫ Giri
In progress Extend Service Life of Concrete Bridges Decks with Internal Curing Rutgers, Infrastructure Monitoring and Evaluation (RIME) Group of Rutgers University Nassif٫ Hani Ukpah٫ Priscilla
In progress Multi-Hazard Design of Highway Bridges Rutgers University Nassif٫ Hani Patel٫ Kamal
In progress Real-Time Traffic Signal System Performance Measurement – Phase III System Integration, Intersection Deployment and Control Center Dashboard Development Rutgers, The State University - CAIT Jin٫ Peter J. Ukpah٫ Priscilla
In progress NJDOT Corrosion Study on Steel Structural Members Rutgers University Braley٫ John Venkiteela٫ Giri
In progress Evaluation of NJDOT Hardened Traffic Paint Markings and Stripes Performance Rowan University Jalayer٫ Mohammad Venkiteela٫ Giri
In progress Understanding How Marginalized Genders Travel Using NJ Transit Rutgers University, Voorhees Transportation Center Carnegie٫ Jon Patel٫ Kamal
In progress Transit Usage Impacts of NJ Transit-Oriented Developments (TODs) Rutgers UniversIty, Voorhees Transportation Center Smart٫ Michael; DiPetrillo٫ Stephanie Potapa٫ Stefanie
In progress Newark Light Rail Origin-Destination and Intermodal Choice Study Rutgers UniversIty, Voorhees Transportation Center Noland٫ Robert Venkiteela٫ Giri
In progress NJDOT Commercial Vehicle Size and Weight Guidebook Update Cambridge Systematics Lamm٫ Christopher Thomas٫ Paul
In progress New Brunswick Innovation Hub Smart Mobility Testing Ground (SMTG) Rutgers University, Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) Jin٫ Peter J. Venkiteela٫ Giri; Thompson٫ Diane
In progress Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) Rutgers University, Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation Leli٫ Janet Shah٫ Pragna
FHWA-NJ-2024-002 Completed 2024 Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques – Volume 2: Concrete Structures Rutgers University Wang٫ Hao Venkiteela٫ Giri
FHWA-NJ-2024-001 Completed 2024 Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques – Volume 1: Asphalt Pavement Rutgers University Wang٫ Hao Venkiteela٫ Giri
FHWA-NJ-2023-005 Completed 2023 Analysis of Local Bus Markets, Phase III Rutgers University, Voorhees Transportation Center Deka٫ Devajyoti Ukpah٫ Priscilla
NJ-2023-004 Completed 2023 NJDOT Unmanned Aircraft Systems Cambridge Systematics McKenzie٫ Elaine; Bream٫ Baird; Lamm٫ Christopher Potapa٫ Stefanie
FHWA-NJ-2023-004 Completed 2023 Evaluation of Coefficients Related to Runoff from Roadway Projects Rutgers University, Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) Qizhong (George) Guo Ukpah٫ Priscilla
FHWA-NJ-2023-003 Completed 2023 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Materials for Transportation Infrastructures New Jersey Institute of Technology Bandelt٫ Matthew J. Venkiteela٫ Giri
FHWA-NJ-2023-002 Completed 2023 Innovative Techniques and Materials for Preventing Concrete Shrinkage Cracking Rowan University Lomboy٫ Gilson R. Venkiteela٫ Giri
NJ-2023-001 Completed 2023 Predictive Safety Tool Research Cambridge Systematics Hopwood٫ Cory; Motamed٫ Megan Ukpah٫ Priscilla
FHWA-NJ-2023-001 Completed 2023 Energy Harvesting on New Jersey Roadways Rutgers University Wang٫ Hao Venkiteela٫ Giri
FHWA-NJ-2022-005 Completed 2022 NJ Transit Grade Crossing Safety Rutgers University, Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) Liu٫ Xiang Potapa٫ Stefanie
FHWA-NJ-2022-003 Completed 2022 Understanding the Needs of Current and Potential Bus Transit Riders Rutgers UniversIty, Voorhees Transportation Center Deka٫ Devajyoti Potapa٫ Stefanie
FHWA-NJ-2022-002 Completed 2022 Real-Time Traffic Signal System Performance Measurement Phase II Rutgers, The State University - Center for Advanced Infrastructure & Transportation Jin٫ Peter J. Ukpah٫ Priscilla
FHWA-NJ-2022-001 Completed 2022 Implementation of Porous Concrete for Sidewalks in New Jersey Rutgers University, Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) Najm٫ Husam Ukpah٫ Priscilla
FHWA-NJ-2021-006 Completed 2021 Marketing Research for the Quantitative Benefits of Transit in New Jersey Rutgers University, Voorhees Transportation Center Carnegie٫ Jon Ukpah٫ Priscilla
FHWA-NJ-2021-005 Completed 2021 Understanding the Transportation Mobility Needs for an Aging New Jersey Population Rutgers UniversIty, Voorhees Transportation Center Deka٫ Devajyoti Potapa٫ Stefanie
FHWA-NJ-2021-004 Completed 2021 Technology Transfer Program (2017-2020) Rutgers University, Voorhees Transportation Center Aimen٫ David Shah٫ Pragna
FHWA-NJ-2021-003 Completed 2021 Implementation of a Protocol for Acceptance of New Over-Coating Systems for Steel Surfaces Rutgers University Balaguru٫ Perumalsamy Venkiteela٫ Giri
NJ-2021-002 Completed 2021 NJDOT Research Library Action Plan Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Faron٫ Whitney; Lamm٫ Christopher Venkiteela٫ Giri
FHWA-NJ-2021-002 Completed 2021 Research Library Operations (2019-2020) New Jersey State Library Taylor٫ Teri Shah٫ Pragna
NJ-2021-001 Completed 2021 NJDOT UAS/Drone Procedures Manual and Best Practices for Use in New Jersey City College of New York, University Transportation Research Center Agrawal٫ Anil Potapa٫ Stefanie
FHWA-NJ-2019-010 Completed 2019 Detection of Damage Precursors in Steel Components for Life-Cycle Assessments Stevens Institute of Technology Hassiotis٫ Sophia Venkiteela٫ Giri
FHWA-NJ-2019-009 Completed 2019 Research Library Operations (2018-2019) New Jersey State Library Baratta٫ Maria; Paszamant٫ Carol B. Potapa٫ Stefanie
FHWA-NJ-2019-008 Completed 2019 Evaluation of Semi-Circular Bend Test for HMA Specialty Mixes (BRIC, Hi-RAP and HPTO) Rutgers University, Center for Advanced Infrastructure & Transportation Bennert٫ Thomas Davis٫ Kimbrali
FHWA-NJ-2019-007 Completed 2019 Calibration / Development of Safety Performance Functions in New Jersey New York University, Tandon School of Engineering; Rutgers University Ozbay٫ Kaan Ukpah٫ Priscilla
FHWA-NJ-2019-006 Completed 2019 UAS (Drone) Peer Exchange Rutgers University, Center for Advanced Infrastructure & Transportation Stott٫ Glenn; Leli٫ Janet Gendek٫ Amanda
FHWA-NJ-2019-005 Completed 2019 The Cost of Roadway Construction and Maintenance in New Jersey Rutgers University, Voorhees Transportation Center Carnegie٫ Jon Shah٫ Pragna
FHWA-NJ-2019-004 Completed 2019 Evaluation of Precast Concrete Pavement Systems and Cast In-Place: Phase I: Identification of Accelerated Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation Methods Rowan University Mehta٫ Yusuf Davis٫ Kimbrali
FHWA-NJ-2019-003 Completed 2019 Traveler Information Application for Route 1 and Route 18 Corridors SUNY Albany Kamga٫ Camille; Lawson٫ Catherine T. Davis٫ Kimbrali
FHWA-NJ-2019-002 Completed 2019 Real-Time Traffic Signal System Performance Measurement Rutgers University, Center for Advanced Infrastructure & Transportation Jin٫ Peter J. Davis٫ Kimbrali; Ukpah٫ Priscilla
FHWA-NJ-2019-001 Completed 2019 Defining the Hudson Bergen Light Rail Catchment Area Rutgers University, Voorhees Transportation Center Carnegie٫ Jon Venkiteela٫ Giri
NJ-2019-001 Completed 2019 NJDOT Strategic Research Planning Cambridge Systematics, Inc. ten Siethoff٫ Brian; Titze٫ Christopher Gendek٫ Amanda
FHWA-NJ-2018-010 Completed 2018 Analysis of Local Bus Markets - Phase II Rutgers University, Voorhees Transportation Center Deka٫ Devajyoti Ukpah٫ Priscilla
FHWA-NJ-2018-009 Completed 2018 Implementation Plan for Alternatives to Nuclear Density Testing Rowan University Mehta٫ Yusuf; Ali٫ Ayman; Offenbacker٫ Daniel Venkiteela٫ Giri
FHWA-NJ-2018-008 Completed 2018 HVS Evaluation of Thin Asphalt Overlays on Composite Pavements Rowan University Mehta٫ Yusuf Venkiteela٫ Giri
FHWA-NJ-2018-007 Completed 2018 Research Library Operations – Calendar Year 2017 New Jersey State Library, Thomas Edison State University Paszamant٫ Carol B. Potapa٫ Stefanie