Knowledge Maps

organization hierarchy concept, business man manage complex logic of mindmap

Knowledge mapping is used to help identify sources of knowledge within an organization and build knowledge networks. The strategy is used to discover the location, form, ownership, value and use of specific knowledge and people's expertise to make better use of knowledge and identify barriers to, and gaps in, knowledge flow.  Knowledge assets can be tacit, such as an employee’s knowledge of a process, or it could be explicit, such as a project report. The mapping process can lead to documentation of tacit knowledge to fill gaps.



  • Knowledge mapping identifies what each individual/role knows and their daily interactions to characterize their job functions. The map can take different forms (e.g. a network analysis map or matrix) to describe these relationships. Each employee should list any additional people within the agency they contact when a problem or issue arises. This tool is used on a case by-case basis.


  • Reduces knowledge silos and duplication of effort.
  • Identifies “go-to” people within the agency who play a critical role in knowledge transfer, to ensure continuity
  • Helps to identify knowledge barriers and gaps that slow a process or procedure.


  • There is a need to prevent knowledge loss by understanding and building knowledge networks.


  • Sources can be identified as individuals or as employees in a particular position. Employees identify who they go to for specific information.


  • Connect together all of your knowledge assets in a visual way to see what knowledge the agency unit has and where there are gaps.




TRB Publications (May-June 2022)

The following is a list of research published by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) between May 1, 2022 and June 30, 2022. Current articles from the TRB may be accessed here. 

Image reads: Pavements

Point of View: The Preserved Road Ahead

Effective Pavement Preventive Maintenance with Micromilling Practices

Transforming Pavement Preservation

Essential Specifications for Pavement Preservation, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation

Pavement Rehabilitation: Case Examples from Missouri and Virginia

Implementing Pavement Preservation: A Case Example in Raleigh, North Carolina

Maintenance and Longevity of Longitudinal Joints

Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation: Teaching the Next Generation

Thinking Local: Pavement Management Practices for County Agencies

Pavement Preservation, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation

Short- and Mid-Term Loose Mix Conditioning Protocols for Asphalt Overlay Balanced Mix Design and Quality Control and Quality Acceptance

Evaluating Impact of Corrected Optimum Asphalt Content and Benchmarking Cracking Resistance of Georgia Mixtures for Balanced Mix Design Implementation

Examples of Successful Practices with State Implementation of Balanced Design of Asphalt Mixtures

Development and Verification of Sample Reduction Method for Rubberized Asphalt Mixtures

Performance Evaluation of Pelletized Solid Polymer Modified Asphalt Mixtures

Impact of Improved Density on Pavement Design Response for Low-Volume Roads/Non-Primary Routes

Development of a Performance-Based Approach to Asphalt Emulsion Selection for Cold In-Place Recycling Applications

Multi-Level Laboratory Performance Evaluation of Conventional and High Polymer-Modified Asphalt Mixtures

Validation of Performance-Based Specifications for Surface Asphalt Mixtures in Virginia

Data Mining Statewide Department of Transportation Volumetrically Designed Asphalt Mixture Records

Balanced Mix Design Benchmarking of Field-Produced Asphalt Mixtures in Maine, U.S.

Precision Estimates and Statements for Performance Indices from the Indirect Tensile Cracking Test at Intermediate Temperature

Field Performance Evaluation of High Polymer-Modified Asphalt Concrete Overlays

Recycled Polyethylene Modified Asphalt Binders and Mixtures: Performance Characteristics and Environmental Impact

Proposed Changes to Asphalt Binder Specifications to Address Binder Quality-Related Thermally Induced Surface Damage

Effectiveness of Soy Methyl Ester-Polystyrene as a Concrete Protectant on Mitigating the Chemical Interaction between Cement Paste and Calcium Chloride

Integrated Vehicle–Tire–Pavement Approach for Determining Pavement Structure–Induced Rolling Resistance under Dynamic Loading

Performance Engineered Concrete Mixtures: Implementation at an Interstate Rigid Pavement Project

Environmentally Tuning Asphalt Pavements Using Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials

Evaluating the Performance of Concrete Overlays in Missouri

Comparative Analysis of Laboratory and Prototype Models of Pervious Concrete Mixes Containing Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Aggregates

Evaluation of Full-Depth Reclamation and Cold Central-Plant Recycling Mixtures for Laboratory Compaction, Mechanistic Response, and Performance Properties

Chemical and Rheological Characterization of Asphalt Binders: A Comparison of Asphalt Binder Aging and Asphalt Mixture Aging

Influence of Seed Layer Moduli on Backcalculation Procedure and on Overlay Design of Flexible Pavements

Statistical Analysis Framework to Evaluate Asphalt Concrete Overlay Reflective Cracking Performance

Evaluation of High Los Angeles Abrasion Loss Aggregate in Stone Matrix Asphalt

NJ STIC 1st Quarter 2022 Meeting

The NJ State Transportation Innovation Council (NJ STIC) convened online for the 1st Quarter Meeting on March 16, 2022. The STIC Meeting Agenda had been distributed to the invitees prior to the meeting. Participants could use the chat feature to offer comments or ask questions of the speakers during the online meeting.

Amanda Gendek, Manager of the NJDOT Bureau of Research greeted the meeting participants, followed by Andy Swords, Director, Division of Statewide Planning, who provided the Welcome and Opening Remarks.

Ms. Gendek then introduced Brandee Chapman who has recently been hired as the NJDOT Innovation Coordinator. Ms. Gendek noted the importance of dedicated innovation staff and thanked NJDOT administration for supporting this position. Ms. Chapman will eventually become the NJ STIC Coordinator and NJDOT’s Innovation Subject Matter Expert and will support the Bureau of Research in becoming a hub of innovation.

FHWA EDC Innovations Update. Helene Roberts, Innovation Coordinator and Performance Manager for the FHWA NJ Office, reported on the status of progress on EDC initiatives. She thanked the CIA Team Leaders and SMEs for their progress report and efforts. She noted that there are only nine months left in the two-year EDC-6 cycle and observed that there may be more progress being made than has been reported.

Ms. Roberts and Ms. Gendek made a call for Every Day Counts Round 7 ideas with a focus on Safety, Equity, and Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure.  The deadline for submitting suggestions for Round 7 innovations is April 11, 2022. Ms. Roberts explained that FHWA is looking for innovations that are "market-ready" — that is, they have been proven in deployment but are currently underutilized among the states.  Through an extensive vetting process, FHWA will pare down the list from the call for ideas to approximately 10 innovations. Ms. Gendek added that if you have an innovation that requires a little more research to be ready for implementation, please send the idea to her at NJDOT Bureau of Research.

Ms. Roberts and Ms. Gendek engaged the NJ STIC meeting attendees with an Interactive exercise. Click for results.

Ms. Roberts and Ms. Gendek reminded everyone that New Jersey will be a featured state at the next National STIC meeting on June 1, 2022 at 2.00 PM.  They asked those in attendance to pull out their cell phones and participate in an interactive exercise seeking suggestions on possible topics and innovative initiatives that NJ should highlight during the national meeting.

Core Innovation Area (CIA) Updates. The meeting continued with presentations from Core Innovative Area (CIA) leaders who provided updates of the status of the prioritized EDC initiatives on the topics of Safety, Infrastructure Preservation, Mobility and Operations, and Organizational Improvement and Support.

Featured Presentation #1 — Commercial Vehicle Alerts.  The first featured presentation described an initiative to proactively deploy New Jersey Commercial Vehicle Alerts to improve safety and traffic incident management. Sal Cowan, NJDOT Senior Director, Transportation Mobility, was joined by Amy Lopez, Director, Public Sector Services and Smart City Strategy for INRIX, and Marc Nichols, Director, Government & Industry Partnerships for Drivewyze. Mr. Cowan set the stage for their joint presentation by explaining that Drivewyze is the provider of North America’s largest weigh station by-pass system, Drivewyze Pre-Clear.  INRIX provides real-time traffic data and analytics and has been a long-standing data partner with NJDOT.

Mr. Cowan provided an overview of the project and discussed the web-based Drivewyze dashboard.

In laying out the rationale for the deployment of commercial vehicle alerts, Mr. Cowan noted that NJDOT, NJ Turnpike Authority, and South Jersey Turnpike Authority are working together to provide commercial drivers with slow-down and congestion alerts to help them react before they are caught in congested and/or hazardous conditions. He highlighted the roadways covered by the subject deployment and reminded attendees of the importance of having a safe and reliable goods movement sector to the state's economy and to satisfying our growing expectations as consumers.

Ms. Lopez described the INRIX system and its ability to deliver real-time data that detects and describes sudden slowdowns, closures, and queues by location for specific events. Drivewyze takes this data and communicates it to commercial truck drivers. The system works with severity thresholds and trigger warnings so only events that exceed these thresholds are reported. Commercial drivers receive the messages through the electronic logging device (ELD) in their cab. The reported information can be customized to include notification of specific weather events.

Mr. Cowan presented an example of the web-based dashboard that NJDOT can monitor when Drivewyze sends out a commercial vehicle traffic alert. The alert platform provides information on congestion and sudden slow-downs by road, time of day, and incident duration and indicates the number of alerts and vehicles alerted in NJ.

Mr. Cowan and Ms. Lopez also touched on the deployment timeline from planning to implementation, data interpretation challenges, and anticipated next-step applications for integration of the commercial vehicle alert data.

Mr. Nichols discussed how the Drivewyze alert system worked in practice.

Mr. Nichols then detailed how the alert system worked in practice, highlighting a specific use case, the Winter Storm Kenan in late January 2022.  He explained that Drivewyze set up a geofence and as drivers crossed that line, they were notified of road conditions so that drivers could find a location to stop and wait out the storm. Notably, NJDOT requested that emergency alerts be sent to commercial drivers along portions of the east coast. In coordination with the Eastern Transportation Coalition, Drivewyze sent alerts to 11 other states for northbound traffic and reached an estimated 4,800 drivers. This system was also used to inform drivers of open rest areas during the pandemic.  Mr. Nichols explained how the collaboration between NJDOT, INRIX and Drivewyze was able to effectively inform commercial truck drivers and change their behavior during a severe weather event.

Featured Presentation #2 — Trenton Moves: Autonomous Vehicle-Based Urban Transit System Project.  The next presentation was made by Andrew Tunnard, NJDOT Asst. Commissioner, Operations Systems and Support, who spoke about Trenton Moves — Mobility & Opportunity: Vehicles Equity System. Mr. Tunnard described the fundamental importance in planning transportation systems and services of considering all kinds of people when thinking about mobility. He introduced the "Trenton Moves" project, which will seek to identify and address the transportation needs of the carless, and those who are unable to drive due to physical limitations. Trenton has approximately 90,000 residents, and over 70 percent have one or fewer cars.

Mr. Tunnard provided an overview of the Trenton Moves project, highlighting the project's aims and processes needed to bring it to fruition.

Mr. Tunnard explained that NJDOT is collaborating with the Governor’s Office, Princeton University (Prof. Alain Kornhauser and students), Mercer County, and the City of Trenton to deploy a safe, equitable, affordable, sustainable, on-demand transportation system. As envisioned, the system is expected to comprise 100 autonomous, electric shuttle vehicles and 50 kiosks. The initiative is in the concept phase and the hope is to have people riding the vehicles by early 2024. Steps in the implementation process include: creating a vision in the neighborhoods and communities and building support at the local level for the use of this technology; enticing tech companies to come work with NJDOT in a public-private partnership (PPP) to bring the technology to implementation; and up-front infrastructure funding. Although these vehicles will travel on existing infrastructure, improvements to road markings, curbs, intersections, and signage will be needed, in addition to construction of a maintenance garage and operations center and the 50 kiosks.

Mr. Tunnard touched on some of the potential operational design domain (ODD) phasing, service and pricing plan considerations that must be tackled to fully test and pilot the shuttle system.  Beyond the practical challenges, Mr. Tunnard invited those in attendance to envision how the transit system might deliver needed last-mile services from the Trenton train station to government offices, among other destinations, and improve mobility and accessibility in Trenton for its residents.

The City of Trenton received a local transportation planning grant of $5M from NJDOT to support the start-up and deployment of Trenton Moves.  Once the project is established, the intent is to expand the project to surrounding communities and eventually throughout New Jersey.

Reminders and Updates. Ms. Gendek closed the meeting with information and reminders on the online location of several resources that highlight the NJ STIC and other innovation topics funded through research and technology transfer activities, including:

She noted that STIC Incentive Program funding is available. The program provides up to $100,000 per state. Applications are due by August 2022. The NJDOT Bureau of Research has developed a set of guidelines for project administration for selected projects.

She also reminded everyone that the entry deadline for the 2022 Build A Better Mousetrap Competition is May 1st.  She encouraged attendees to spread the word about the competition among their colleagues.   An NJLTAP Webinar, Innovating at the Local Public Works Level: Can You Build a Better Mousetrap? will be held on March 23, 2022 from 1:00pm – 2:00pm for those who would like more information.

A recording of the NJ STIC March 2022 Meeting can be found here.

The Meeting Presentations can be found in its entirety here and in the section below.

NJ STIC March 2022 Meeting Recording

Welcome Remarks

Slide image reading: FHWA Updates, Helene Roberts, P.E., Innovation Coordinator & Performance Manager, FHWA, NJ Division OfficeFHWA EDC Innovation Updates

Slide image reading: CIA Team Safety NJDOT - Dan LiSanti, FHWA - Keith SkiltonCIA Team Update: Safety

CIA Team Update: Infrastructure Preservation

CIA Team Update: Organizational Improvement and Support

Slide image reading CIA Team Mobility & Ops NJDOT - Sue Catlett, FHWA - Ek PhomsavathCIA Team Update: Mobility and Operations

Feature Presentation: New Jersey Commercial Vehicle Alerts

Feature Presentation: Trenton Moves: Autonomous Vehicle-Based Urban Transit System Project

Slide image reading: Reminders & Announcements, NJDOT Tech Transfer Website (, NJ STIC Website (, and all meeting recordings, presentations, and summary are posted:, Announcements, and Thank You

Image reads: 508 Accessibility Resources

508 Accessibility Resources

Did You Know...

Image reads: 508 Accessibility ResourcesThe BTS National Transportation Library maintains a Library Guide devoted to providing various 508 Accessibility Resources.  The guide includes several valuable resources including accessibility policies, digital submission checklists for researchers, and recommended training resources.   Click here to visit this resource.

The Transportation Research and Connectivity Pooled Fund Study (TPF-5(442)) has created several valuable resources on 508/Accessibility.  Click here for this information.


Your Roadmap to Transportation Innovation

The NJ STIC Program and innovative initiatives advanced through the program were discussed in a session, “Your Roadmap to Transportation Innovation”, given at the NJ TransAction Conference on April 17, 2019.

Click here to see the presentation and here to see a video included in the presentation on a STIC Incentive Funding Grant project that is focused on testing and advancing connected vehicle technologies to improve road service safety.


NJ STIC 2018 Winter Meeting

The NJ State Transportation Innovation Council recently held its Winter Meeting. The meeting began with FHWA and NJDOT providing a recap of the Every Day Counts Round 5 (EDC-5) Regional Summit.   FHWA's Innovation Coordinator & Performance Manager provided a brief overview of the EDC-5 Initiatives.  New Jersey along with all other states assessed its current efforts and set goals for implementation of the EDC-5 Initiatives for the next two year period, ending in December 2020 with reference to five stages of innovation.

EDC-5 Innovation Initiatives and NJ’s Baseline and Goals, 2019-2020

EDC-5 Initiative Baseline: January 2019 Goal: December 2020 Comments
Advanced Geotechnical Exploration Methods Demonstration Institutionalized With proposed activities expect to move it forward to institutionalized
Collaborative Hydraulics: Advancing to the Next Generation of Engineering (CHANGE) Demonstration Demonstration EDC-4 carryover
Reducing Rural Roadway Departures Development Demonstration New initiative under EDC-5
Project Bundling Institutionalized Institutionalized Part of NJDOT toolbox
Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) Assessment Institutionalized EDC-4 carryover
Use of Crowdsourcing to Advance Operations Institutionalized Institutionalized Part of NJDOT toolbox
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Assessment Institutionalized NJDOT has been a national leader with many advancements planned
Value Capture Not implementing Not implementing Not formally advanced by STIC
Virtual Public Involvement Not implementing Not implementing Not formally advanced by STIC. Agencies may be making use of this initiative.
Notes: Not Implementing: State is not currently using the innovation anywhere in the state; Development: State is collecting guidance and best practices and building support with stakeholders and partners and developing an implementation process; Demonstration: The State is piloting and testing the innovation; Assessment: The State is assessing the performance of and process for carrying out the innovation and making adjustments to prepare for full deployment; Institutionalized: The State has adopted the innovation as a standard process or practice and uses it regularly on projects.

Presentations from the three Core Innovation Area (CIA) Teams -- Safety, Infrastructure Preservation, and Mobility and Operations -- highlighted what has already been accomplished (in prior rounds of EDC Rounds 1 through 4) and further described how NJDOT plans to accomplish the goals for EDC-5 Initiatives.

Participants were informed about the availability of innovative funding programs through FHWA's Center for  Accelerating Innovative Programs to advance EDC-5 Initiatives and what New Jersey projects have already been funded through STIC Incentive Funding and the Accelerated Innovation Deployment Grant Programs. The meeting concluded with a roundtable discussion of the topics covered.

NJDOT will host the national STIC meeting on April 11, 2019.
Forthcoming NJ STIC meetings are scheduled for: May 7, August 8, and November 19, 2019.

Presentation slides:

Introduction and FHWA Update

CIA Team Presentation: Safety

CIA Team Presentation: Mobility and Ops

CIA Team Presentation: Infrastructure Preservation

Basic STIC Overview

Roundtable Discussion, Reminders, and Thank Yous

NJ STIC 2018 Fall Meeting

The NJ State Transportation Innovation Council recently held its 2018 Fall Meeting. The meeting began with an update from the FHWA about NJDOT's progress on Every Day Counts (EDC-4) Innovations. The meeting continued with presentations from the three Core Innovation Area (CIA) Teams devoted to Safety, Infrastructure Preservation, and Mobility and Operations. The Safety CIA Team discussed progress on implementing road diets and shared a video that described its features and its benefits that had been produced by NJDOT. A roundtable discussion closed the meeting which included discussion of the importance and potential strategies for getting the message out on the innovations underway at NJDOT and by its STIC partners.  

Presentation slides:

Introduction and FHWA Update

CIA Team Presentation: Safety (Road Diets)

CIA Team Presentation: Safety (Data Driven Safety Analysis)

CIA Team Presentation: Infrastructure Preservation

CIA Team Presentation: Mobility and Ops

STIC Communication and Outreach Efforts

NJ STIC 2018 Summer Meeting

The NJ State Transportation Innovation Council recently held its 2018 Summer Meeting. The meeting began with updates about Everyday Counts. The meeting continued with presentations on select projects (see below), an overview of STIC communication/outreach, a new idea disposition report and a roundtable discussion.

A stakeholder report about Innovations of Interest for Everyday Counts 5 (EDC-5) was also discussed and circulated.

Presentation slides:

Introduction and FHWA Update

Pavement & Drainage Management

CIA Progress Updates: Ongoing Innovations

CIA Team: Infrastructure Preservation

CIA Team: Mobility & Ops

CIA Team Presentation: Safety

STIC Communication and Outreach

Roundtable Discussion, Reminders and Thank Yous

NJ STIC 2018 Spring Meeting

The NJ State Transportation Innovation Council recently held its 2018 Spring Meeting. The meeting began with an overview of the implementation status of STIC projects. The meeting continued with presentations on select projects (see below) and concluded with an overview of STIC communication/outreach and a roundtable discussion.

The complete 2018 Spring Meeting slides can be downloaded here: NJ STIC 2018 Spring Meeting.

Presentations include:

Implementation Status

NJ Infrastructure Bank

STIC Incentive Funding

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (not yet available for download)

CIA Teams

STIC Communication, Outreach and Reminders