Wildlife Corridors and Crossings in NJ’s Road Network: A Conversation with NJDEP & NJDOT

Wildlife crossings help to bridge greenspaces divided by roads, streets, and highways through the creation of safe alternative pathways for wildlife. For the past forty years, wildlife crossings have been a part of New Jersey’s transportation network. The state’s first known crossing, a terrestrial overpass, was created during construction of Interstate 78. Since that time, the number of wildlife crossings has increased, and continues to do so with the support of the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).

With myriad benefits for both nature and humans, wildlife crossings establish essential connections within a sustainable, resilient, and safe ground transportation network. To learn more about NJDOT and NJDEP’s effort to increase and improve wildlife crossings in New Jersey, we spoke with several staff members during a group interview.


  • Domenica Mousa, Environmental Specialist, North Environmental Team, Office of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Solutions
  • Rachel Dekovitch, Supervisor, North Environmental Team, Office of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Solutions 
  • Amber Cheney, Section Chief, North Environmental Teams, Office of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Solutions

From NJDEP Fish and Wildlife, Endangered & Nongame Species Program:

  • Gretchen Fowles, GIS specialist and wildlife biologist, , Co-lead of Connecting Habitat Across New Jersey (CHANJ)
  • Brian Zarate, wildlife biologist, CHANJ Co-lead
  • Mackenzie Hall, wildlife biologist, CHANJ Co-lead

The following Q&A is a summary of the conversation which has been condensed and edited for clarity.

Q.  It is estimated that there are over one million annual wildlife vehicle collisions nationwide involving large wildlife. The need for, and related benefits from, wildlife crossings vary but can include benefits to both human safety and wildlife survival, as well as cost savings. What other potential benefits come to mind when you think of roadway wildlife crossings?

NJDOT:  New Jersey is a densely populated state with an intricate network of roadways, often cutting between greenspaces. These greenspaces, including forests, fields and streams are home to a variety of species, many of which travel and explore. Unfortunately, these two realities cause a significant amount of traffic collisions; the most serious of which are caused by deer. These collisions can be very unsafe for drivers, passengers, and wildlife. Fortunately, wildlife crossings can be implemented to keep fauna away from the roadway. The result? Safer drivers, passengers, and wildlife.

A figure from the CHANJ Guidance Document (page 64) that illustrates key design elements of effective wildlife crossings.

NJDEP:  From the Department of Environmental Protection’s perspective, wildlife crossings provide important environmental benefits in addition to reducing wildlife fatalities. The division of greenspaces by roads and highways is considered habitat fragmentation. Habitat fragmentation worsens the conditions of endangered species, affects ecosystem function, and reduces the ecosystem’s resiliency. In short, it keeps species from moving, mating, and finding food. The implementation of wildlife crossings helps to reduce habitat fragmentation and improve connectivity. Often this improved connectivity creates healthy ecosystems where populations can behave and survive naturally and move about as they wish. Connectivity also contributes to the maintenance or restoration of ecosystem function and ensures rare species have a chance to recover. Even non-rare species can help maintain their health and population with improved connectivity. The NJDEP team wants to build all these redundancies into the ecosystem to allow the more imperiled species to have opportunity to recover, while also maintaining populations of existing species that are seemingly doing well.

Q. Many New Jersey highways and roadways fragment wildlife habitats and challenge migratory paths. With one of the densest road networks in the country, how does your department address concerns of biodiversity and habitat connectivity within the context of road and bridge development?

NJDOT: Each bridge or road project goes through an environmental review to identify any environmental issues or constraints within that project area. As a part of the analysis, we screen for federally and state-listed threatened or endangered species. If such species are found, restrictions or guidelines are specified. For example, if the proposed area has birds that are listed under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, or has endangered or threatened bats, we put a time restriction on when tree clearing may take place. These efforts help to preserve the habitat by limiting tree cutting to periods when animals are less present, typically from November 16h to March 31st.  

The NJDOT Office of Landscape Architecture (OLA) started a Pollinator Program in 2020 to help promote biodiverse connectivity throughout the State along our appropriate right of way while considering alternate mowing opportunities. Our Capital Program projects seek to enhance the native species of the specific location, and we use our Pollinator Program to supplement and create more locations. Each year OLA applies for funding through State funds for these plantings. Many times, these locations are chosen based on the best management practices (BMP) of the Maintenance yards that reach out to us for consideration of locations. These created sites help offset and maintain assurances of our Department’s compliance with the Endangered Species Act. 

NJDOT is increasing the number of pollinator habitats along roadways. Recognized benefits include more pollinators (bees, birds, butterflies, etc.), roadside beautification, increased carbon intake, less mowing and herbicide maintenance, and soil erosion prevention. Source: NJDOT.

In 2023 we became more proactive in establishing habitat for the Monarch Butterfly and created the 100,000 Milkweed Initiative.  With the funding set aside for pollinators we planted over 100,000 of 3 types of Milkweed species throughout the State.  To date we have created over 11 Acres of Milkweed Specific habitat and over 40 Acres of additional Pollinator and reduced mowing areas through the Pollinator Program.  NJDOT Lands are significant in creating a linear and ideal habitat for Pollinator activities which is also why we address Pollinator Habitat through Capital Program Projects.

Q. In a recent “Lunch and Learn” presentation, it was noted that changes to the NJ Flood Hazard Control Act Regulations require that NJDOT evaluate new and existing bridges, culverts, or roadways for fragmentation of habitat for threatened and endangered and/or any species of special concern and provide a wildlife species passage if a project is determined to cause fragmentation of habitat. How has this requirement affected your work program? Has this change heightened interest in wildlife connectivity?

NJDEP: The NJDEP Flood Hazard Area Act regulation has led to a significant increase in the number of permitted and implemented terrestrial wildlife crossings. It has also fostered more projects and collaborations across NJDOT, other NJDEP divisions, as well as with counties and municipalities, and non-profit organizations.

However, the regulation can sometimes create challenges. For example, while habitat fragmentation might be occurring, the feasibility of installing a wildlife crossing might be difficult because of other infrastructure in the area or the stream’s hydrology. In such cases, NJDEP and NJDOT work together to determine the best course of action.

Q. As noted, this topic is of interest nationwide. The FHWA Wildlife Crossing Pilot Program (WCPP) has $350 million in federal aid funding available through 2026 for state DOTs and others. FHWA plans to release the next NOFO shortly. Has NJDOT considered pursuing one of these grants for a construction or non-construction wildlife corridor project?

NJDOT has pursued this competitive grant, unsuccessfully. The FHWA grant focuses on human and driver safety and projects where large mammal collisions are occurring, making projects for smaller wildlife species, less likely to be awarded a grant, and most of our projects focus on smaller animals. Losing smaller animals poses a risk to the health of the ecosystem, and future justifications will consider this.

The Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program grant is just one of many options within the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which offers historic support to tackle habitat fragmentation and wildlife mortality. Other opportunities within the law may be more helpful to pursue, such as eligible formula allocations, rather than competitive grants. That said, NJDEP Fish and Wildlife successfully applied for a Transportation Alternatives Program grant that is resulting in the construction of an amphibian crossing in northern New Jersey, but it took ten years of work to get to this stage. The crossing has not yet been constructed but anticipated in the next year or so.

Q. Can you tell us a little bit about the North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative?  How does NJDOT participate with NAAAC?

We are participating with the North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAAAC) program to survey current culverts and bridges and evaluate possible wildlife passages. Once surveyed, this information becomes available on the Connecting Habitat Across New Jersey (CHANJ) online mapping tools and via online or downloadable GIS services. The use of these maps can help to identify when there is an existing barrier for terrestrial or aquatic species. We also use other GIS layers, such as the NJDEP Landscape Project and CHANJ, that is also included on the map to determine if there are any terrestrial species of concern and suitable habitat on either side of the culvert/bridge or in the area. For each project that requires an NJDEP Flood Hazard Area permit and involves a bridge or a culvert, we use this map to write up a brief analysis, which we then send to NJDEP.

CHANJ Web Viewer is used to determine habitat fragmentation. Source: NJDEP

Q. According to research, the evaluation and development of road crossing projects are mostly being led by several organizations including the NJ Department of Environmental Protection, North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Network, and other localized, environmentally-focused organizations. What role does NJDOT have with these organizations and projects?

NJDOT works with NJDEP to prioritize and list culvert and/or bridge sites that need to be surveyed for NAACC. This year, NJDOT employees will join in the analysis, conducting site surveys to enhance the online dataset for future projects that may require crossings. By collaborating with NJDEP Fish and Wildlife and various watershed groups across the state, NJDOT and its NAACC partners have assessed about 700 culverts so far. Each has been mapped on the CHANJ web tool, which identifies wildlife habitats, cores, and the corridors that connect them.

NJDEP and NJDOT use the CHANJ mapping tool and NAACC generated layers to understand connectivity for both land use and transportation projects, including NJDOT projects.

By collaborating with NJDEP Fish and Wildlife and various watershed groups across the state, NJDOT and its NAACC partners have assessed about 700 culverts so far.

Regulatory officials evaluate the map when assessing Flood Hazard Area permits. The map also helps provide a general sense of connectivity within the state, aiding in targeting areas for road improvements, land acquisition, and habitat restoration. These actions are crucial for creating a functionally connected network of land. The CHANJ mapping of habitat cores and corridors, along with all NAACC culvert data, help prioritize sites.

NAACC culvert analysis is often conducted by trained watershed groups and NJDEP Fish and Wildlife seasonal employees. Montclair State University serves as the state lead and coordinator, offering training for interested parties. Free training and resources are also available online from the University of Massachusetts.

The NAACC collaboration spans 13 states in the Northeast region. The NJ NAACC map allows users to select squares on the map (which indicate a culvert) in order to access the regional database. Once the user is redirected to the regional database, they are able to access the corresponding pictures of the culvert, if it has been surveyed, as well as the culvert’s dimensions. This innovation helps users understand what lies under specific road stretches simply by the click of a mouse.

Q.  The Connectivity Habitat Across New Jersey (CHANJ) interactive mapping tool catalogues current and completed projects, the passability of road culverts for aquatic and terrestrial species and other details. This map is partly a product of the NAACC 13 state map that aims to compile wildlife connectivity information into one database, and relies on culvert assessments using the NAACC culvert inventory. The map does not include information about roadkill or auto collisions with wildlife, which limits the basis on which a project could be installed. Are there plans or current processes to collect data on wildlife collisions and roadkill? 

Screenshot of CHANJ Web Viewer. Source: NJDEP

NJDOT maintains crash records based on police reports that may refer to wildlife collision. However, NJDOT does not currently collect any data regarding roadkill.  NJDEP Fish and Wildlife collects roadkill location data, but only for select species like bobcats, bears, coyotes, otters, and beavers. Those data are combined into a roadkill dataset.  For some species, like the state listed bobcat, biologists collect the carcass, and sample it to glean as much information as possible that contributes to their understanding of the health of the population.

Q. Maine Audubon worked with Maine DOT and UC Davis Road Ecology Center to build a crowdsourcing tool that drivers could use to report the location of roadkill. Is NJDOT currently using any type of crowdsourcing in this way? Are there plans to record more information about roadkill and collisions? 

The new NJ Wildlife Tracker tool expands NJDEP’s data by collecting resident reports of rare species sightings and observations. For instance, someone can report seeing a turtle by a stream using this mobile-friendly web application. Reporting is also open to all species, rare or not, that are on roads. This tool aims to increase awareness of roadkill, and to help identify roadkill ‘hot spots.’ 

CHANJ Web Viewer can be accessed on smart phones, a convenient application for those working in the field. Source: NJDEP

The NJ Wildlife Tracker and NJ Fish and Wildlife data mining help identify road mortality hotspots. Between the two we currently have around 7,000 roadkill records in our database.  We are developing a standardized roadkill collection tool, where individuals monitor important road segments bisecting habitat cores and corridors identified by the CHANJ map and report wildlife sightings. Regular commuters can report on specific road segments, providing detailed data for rigorous hotspot studies.

This data is useful for pursuing grants or projects. For example, the upcoming Waterloo Road Amphibian Crossing Project in Byram Township, Sussex County, was justified by years of collected data.

Beyond data collection, we use other tools to interpret and analyze findings. Animal data points require careful interpretation due to their constant movement. One key tool is the NJDEP Landscape Project mapping, which uses wildlife observation location data to infer valuable habitats.

However, there are concerns about crowdsourcing and public data access, particularly regarding the illegal wildlife trade. Detailed mapping tools can be exploited by poachers. At this time, this information is only accessible by NJDEP.

Q. Are there any technologies that have been useful in designing and modifying infrastructure to better suit wildlife? 

Sometimes simple modifications to infrastructure can ensure effective wildlife crossings. For instance, adding a ledge to a culvert can allow animals who avoid water to cross. Bobcats are one species that benefit from this inclusion. The ledge is ideally a natural stream bank within the bridge or culvert, but can also be constructed of concrete or gravel, and  can be tailored to the species present and their needs. All design modifications require hydrology and hydraulics analysis to determine if the modification is feasible.

Through CHANJ, there are two main tools: a map and a guidance document. The guidance document includes best management practices for designing wildlife passages across different taxa. While not high-tech, these practices significantly improve the effectiveness of crossings.

Q.  The NJ Pilot Road/Stream Crossing Assessment focuses on culverts to improve connectivity for aquatic wildlife; however, NJ is also home to terrestrial wildlife that require special crossings. How do you approach this divide in your work, and what are some ways that transportation agencies can design passages that are suitable for both terrestrial and aquatic wildlife? 

Designing wildlife crossings can be complex, especially when dealing with driveways and land use constraints. Studies have shown that incorporating effective fencing is crucial for directing animals towards crossings and preventing wildlife from accessing the roadway. Innovative designs include using flexible recycled plastic fencing directly attached to structures, which helps prevent animals from breaching gaps. Some designs feature a protective lip to deter animals from climbing over.

Advancements in monitoring technology, such as infrared cameras, are proving invaluable. NJDOT is initiating a project to monitor several highway underpasses not originally designed for wildlife but identified as potential crossings. Infrared motion detection captures warm-blooded animals, while specialized setups capture cold-blooded animals. These technologies provide crucial data on wildlife usage of these crossings.


  • Connecting Habitat Across New Jersey (CHANJ). (u.d.). NJDEP Fish & Wildlife. [Website]. Guidance Document and Mapping Web Viewer Tool. Accessed here.
  • Connecting Habitat Across New Jersey (CHANJ). (u.d.). NJDEP Fish & Wildlife. NJ Wildlife Tracker Public Survey. Report sightings of (1) Rare Species and (2) Wildlife on Roads/Roadkill. [Tool]. Accessed here.
  • Crowdsourcing for Wildlife Road. (2019). Maine Audobon. [Presentation]. FHWA Local Aid Support Exchange Webinar. Retrieved here.
  • Flood Hazard Areas. (u.d.). NJ Department of Environmental Protection. [Website]. Accessed here.
  • Fowles, G., Zarate, B., and Hall, M. (2023). Connecting Habitat Across New Jersey (CHANJ) Assessments. Final Report for September 1, 2017–August 31, 2022. Project Number: W-78-R-1. 1. NJDEP Fish & Wildlife. Retrieved here.
  • North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaboration (NAACC). (u.d.). [Presentation]. NJDOT Lunch and Learn. Retrieved here.
  • North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaboration (NAACC). (u.d.). [Website]. Retrieved here.
  • North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaboration (NAACC). (2019). Culvert Condition Assessment Manual. [Report]. Prepared in association with UMASS-Amherst Engineering, UMASS-Amherst The Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment and The Nature Conservancy. Retrieved here.
  • Wildlife Crossings Program. (u.d.). [Website]. Federal Highway Administration. Retrieved here.
  • Weber-Leaf, Pamela. “New Jersey’s Animal Crossings Protect Our Wildlife from Dangerous Traffic”. (October 9, 2024). New Jersey Monthly. [Article]. Retrieved here.

Innovative Solutions for Enhanced Road Durability: NJDOT’s Use of High-Performance Thin Overlays Is Recognized

During Every Day Counts round (EDC-6), FHWA promoted Targeted Overlay Pavement Solutions (TOPS) to state departments of transportation (DOTs) and local agencies as a way to maximize their highway repair investments by improving on conventional overlay methods and including new overlay materials and techniques. Case studies and research presented as part of FHWA’s EDC outreach efforts to states and local agencies included New Jersey DOT’s use of highly modified asphalt (HiMA), among other proven but underutilized overlay options.  

In a recent Innovator Newsletter, FHWA highlighted NJDOT’s use of HiMA to effectively improve the quality and extend the lifespan of roadways.


NJDOT’s use of HiMA was the subject of a detailed technical case study, one of five such case studies focused on Targeted Overlay Pavement Solutions (TOPS) produced for the FHWA. The case study report, High Performance Thin Overlays (HPTPO), notes that NJDOT has increasingly been using HPTO mixes for preventive maintenance projects statewide.

The case study shares NJDOT’s experience leading a team of design engineers, materials engineers, researchers and asphalt suppliers to devise and evaluate HPTO, a gap-graded mixture using polymer-modified asphalt binder. The case study offers incisive details and lessons learned on specifications, implementation, design, planning, construction, and performance considerations.

The case study explains that NJDOT defines HPTO as a fine-graded polymer-modified asphalt mixture that uses 100 percent high-quality crushed stone with a nominal maximum aggregate size of 3/8 inch. HPTO is designed using a modified Superpave (Superior Performing Asphalt Pavement System) design methodology that places restrictions on the use of reclaimed asphalt pavement and natural sands.

HPTO mixes are typically used in maintenance and pavement preservation applications but can also be used as a leveling course when extended staging times are expected for temporary pavements during construction. HPTO, a durable mixture, is designed for high resistance to rutting and cracking and is often placed at a thickness of 1 inch either on a milled or unmilled surface. HPTO has been used as a maintenance application on high-volume interstate projects and on heavy-duty parking lots. The product is typically performance-tested at design and during construction.

Boot on finished pavement.
HPTO surface upon completion.

NJDOT primarily uses HPTO as a preservation application on pavements in good to fair condition in need of minimal repairs (i.e., repairs account for less than 10 percent of the preservation project). However, HPTO can be combined with other preservation strategies such as microsurfacing, slurry seals, or micro-milling when project conditions warrant its use.

The FHWA case study report on NJDOT’s experience with HPTO offers several references that further detail various asphalt research studies, and analyses undertaken over more than a decade that advanced HPTO as product through testing, evaluation and institutionalization stages at NJDOT.

Lessons and Benefits

NJDOT has was able to increase the number of “good condition” lane miles from 12 percent to 40 percent statewide through prevention maintenance strategies including use of HiMA overlays.

NJDOT adopted a proactive approach to advancing pavement preservation in its asset management toolbox, particularly through HiMA, that has delivered several noteworthy benefits. NJDOT was able to increase the percentage of its network pavements in “good condition” while reducing pavements in “poor condition” through dedicated program funding for preventive maintenance. FHWA noted that NJDOT was able to increase the number of “good condition” lane miles from 12 percent to 40 percent over a decade in part through the contribution of HiMA overlay treatments.

Through research, NJDOT found that the timing of HPTO application is crucial for getting the maximum pavement life extension. HPTO, when applied to an existing pavement in “good condition” can more than double the service life compared to its application to “fair condition” pavement.

Utilizing HPTO, NJDOT has been able to extend pavement life along busy roadways by approximately 10 years and improve ride quality — depending on the pre-existing surface conditions, quality of pre-HPTO repairs, and thickness of the HPTO overlay. HPTO can also reduce noise and improve long-term skid resistance on projects. During construction, HPTO’s application causes relatively minimal traffic disruption as it requires only short duration road closures.

HPTO also offers flexible solutions to NJDOT’s design concerns by adding service life to a pavement without a significant change in profile grade. It can minimize changes to the vertical clearance at overpasses and match the elevation of infrastructures such as guardrails, curbs, and gutters.

Ongoing Efforts to Support Implementation

For the FHWA, EDC-6 outreach activities served as an opportunity to educate transportation agencies and stakeholders about various asphalt and concrete overlay products that demonstrably provide long-life performance under a wide range of traffic, environmental, and existing pavement conditions. The EDC-6 TOPS team sought to build greater awareness and encourage deployment of some 7 distinct asphalt products and 4 distinct concrete products during the EDC-6 Round.

Several application features and benefits of HPTO were described in the video, “Pavement Preservation Treatments at NJDOT.

In its final report for EDC-6, FHWA notes that forty-one States participated in the TOPS EDC-6 initiative, including 26 that were focused on asphalt overlays, 15 that sought to learn more about concrete, and 13 that participated in both. Further, FHWA recognized that EDC-6 was also a catalyst for advancing deployment; 22 States advanced to a new phase in the implementation process from “not implementing” to the development, demonstration, assessment, or institutionalized phases of deployment. In all, 19 States reported that they had institutionalized TOPS products by incorporating at least one overlay type as a standard fix option within the agency’s pavement management program.

While the formal EDC-6 innovation cycle ended in December 2022, FHWA continues to support TOPS implementation through training and technical assistance resources such as the lessons learned from NJDOT’s use of HPTO as well as noteworthy initiatives in several other states. Many resources are available on the TOPS webpage including webinars, articles, case studies, how-to reports, brochures, and one-pagers.


U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. “Innovative Solutions for America’s Roads: Targeted Overlay Pavement Solutions (TOPS)”. (October/November 2024). Innovator [Article]. Retrieved from: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/innovation/innovator/issue103/page_03.html

U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (u.d.). EDC-6: Targeted Overlay Pavement Solutions (TOPS). [Website]. Retrieved from: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/tops/?utm_source=innovator

U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. (April 2023). EDC-6 Final Report: Innovation for a Nation on the Move. Retrieved from: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/innovation/everydaycounts/reports/edc6_finalreport.pdf?utm_source=innovator.

Gilliland, Amanda, Mohanraj, Kiran, and Taghavi Ghalesari Abbasali, Ph.D. (March 2022). High-Performance Thin Overlays. [Case Study Report].  FHWA-HIF-22-053. Retrieved from: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/tops/pubs/TOPS_HPTO_Case_Study_Report_508.pdf.

Gilliland, Amanda, Mohanraj, Kiran, and Taghavi Ghalesari Abbasali, Ph.D. (April 2022). High-Performance Thin Overlays: How-To Document. [Case Study Report].  FHWA-HIF-22-057. Retrieved from: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/tops/pubs/TOPS_HPTO_How_To_Report_508.pdf

NJDOT’s Pavement Support Program – Goals, Deliverables and the Future. (July 2021).  NJDOT Technology Transfer. [Webinar]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGhxphN1rOA&t=4057s.

NJDOT Pavement Preservation at NJDOT. (July 2020). NJDOT Technology Transfer. [Video]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1wlnB8AQ-g.

FHWA Issued Its EDC-7 Progress Report #1

The Every Day Counts Round 7 Progress Report #1 is now available here.  

Every Day Counts (EDC) is the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) program to advance a culture of innovation in the transportation community in partnership with public and private stakeholders. Through this State-based effort, FHWA coordinates rapid deployment of proven strategies and technologies to shorten the project delivery process, enhance roadway safety, reduce traffic congestion, and integrate automation.

The Progress Report describes the seven technologies and practices FHWA is promoting in EDC-7 and summarizes the deployment status of each innovation as of April 2024 and each innovation’s goal for adoption by 2025.

More information on the EDC-7 Round Innovations, including the initial Baseline Report can be found here.

Research Spotlight: Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques

A recently completed NJDOT research study, Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques, tested several new techniques and materials that could improve the cost-effectiveness of pothole repairs in New Jersey. Phase I of the research project, led by Professors Hao Wang and Husam Najm of Rutgers University, evaluated new methods for both asphalt and concrete structures. Pothole repair is one of the primary maintenance activities for highway agencies, generating significant costs and resource commitments. Cost-effective pothole repair methods can reduce or eliminate the possibility of re-patching and save future repair costs.

Asphalt Pothole Repair

Asphalt pavement is continuously subjected to vehicular and environmental loading throughout its lifecycle, leading to the inevitable occurrence of distresses such as cracking, rutting, raveling, potholes and so on. Among these distresses, potholes are critical as they can disrupt traffic, impose risks to safety, and cause costly vehicular damage for vehicle operators.

Field repair of pothole using induction heating.

Pothole repair is a primary maintenance activity for highway agencies. Typically, cold mix asphalt is used for emergency repair and hot-mix asphalt (HMA) for traditional repairs. Usual pothole repair methods include throw and go (roll), edge seal, semi-permanent, spray injection, and full depth repair. Among them, throw and go (roll) method using HMA has been adopted by most transportation agencies for surface patching. However, this common practice largely relies on the usage of HMA. Although the quality of the asphalt patch can be ensured, it presents environmental concerns due to the energy consumption and environmental footprint involved in producing new HMA. To mitigate the impact on the environment, reduce cost and conserve energy, recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) has been widely used as a highly desirable material. The addition of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) in asphalt mixtures can bring numerous economic and environmental advantages.

Infrared heating test was used in asphalt repair method.

This study sought to investigate an innovative approach to pothole repair using HMA with RAP and preheating. The study investigated two aspects: First, the performance of HMA with different RAP contents were evaluated through laboratory tests to select the most appropriate content. Second, the in-site strength of pothole repair was evaluated with field cores to quantify the benefits of repair quality due to recycled material and preheating.

Both microwave heating and infrared heating were tested, with varying results. Microwave heating was able to warm both the surface and internal materials of the pavement, however, its efficiency was low and the rate of temperature increase was insufficient. Conversely, the infrared heating method proved adept at rapidly heating the top edges and bottom surface of the pothole to high temperatures and was used successfully in pothole repair.

Further tests were carried out adding RAP to HMA patching materials. The results showed that there was greater abrasion loss, reduced IDT (indirect tensile strength), and interface shear strength of patching material had less resistance to moisture as RAP content increased. Nonetheless, with the application of preheating, the overall performance of HMA containing 30 percent RAP was satisfactory, proving that it is feasible to use RAP material for pothole repair.

Concrete Pothole Repair

Photos showing condition ratings for concrete repairs.

Similar to asphalt pavement, concrete structures are prone to deterioration due to vehicles and weathering. Cracks can develop which lead to further deterioration due to chloride infiltration. Thus, a good repair is necessary for maintaining concrete structures. An ideal repair material should be easy to work with under different weather conditions, be fast setting, and possess good durability. Rapid-setting cementitious patch repair materials are popular for repairing small concrete damage and providing a functional repair within few hours.

Based on extensive literature research and several NJDOT practices, three formulations were chosen as the best performing candidates. Workability, strength, and restrained shrinkage cracking of the formulations were investigated. The restraint shrinkage test protocol simulated upper and lower limits of restraint that a repair material undergoes in real applications. The repairs were also cast and placed in external environmental conditions to expose them to natural weathering actions. The cracking behavior was evaluated including cracking spacing and maximum crack width

The investigation led to the identification of three formulations that did not crack for a period of 10 months in field exposure to NJ climate conditions. Typically, rapid set formulations do not shrink after 6 months. The formulations that did crack revealed that an addition of 1 percent of PVA fibers could significantly reduce the maximum crack width. The maximum crack widths observed in all the formulations were an order of magnitude less than the maximum allowable crack width specified by NJDOT (1/32″).

Contemplated Legislation

The research projects were completed at a time when pothole repairs have attracted critical attention from motorists and legislators within the state. In the current legislative session (2024-2025), the New Jersey State Senate voted unanimously to advance a bill that is intended to address concerns about pothole damage to roads and bridges in the Garden State. 

The NJ Senate bill, S862, would require the state DOT to include information about pothole repair projects and their cost in the annual report. The additional information would include reporting on the number of repair projects going on around the state and their cost. The bill includes a separate provision that would require a lifecycle cost analysis to be conducted.  The information would be required to be made available to the public on the NJDOT’s website.  An identical bill, A2596, was introduced in the NJ Assembly during the legislative session.

AASHTO Recognition 

The research project is not only primed to inform the serious legislative issues being raised in Trenton but was recently recognized by the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHTO) for its contribution to innovation. Every year, the High Value Research Task Force of AASHTO Research Advisory Committee (RAC) holds a national competition to find “high value” research projects throughout the country. In 2024, the Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques research project was recognized in the Maintenance, Management, and Prevention supplemental category, as described here.


Wang, Hao, and Xiao Chen. “Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques Volume I: Asphalt Pavement.” (2024). Final Report. Retrieved here.

Wang, Hao, and Xiao Chen. Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques Volume I: Asphalt Pavement. (2024). Technical Brief. Retrieved here.

Najm, Husam, Bala Balaguru, Hao Wang, Hardik Yagnik, and Alissa Persad. “Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques Volume II: Concrete Structures.” (2024). Final Report. Retrieved here.

Najm, Husam, Bala Balaguru, Hao Wang, Hardik Yagnik, and Alissa Persad. “Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques Volume II: Concrete Structures.” (2024). Technical Brief. Retrieved here.

Asphalt Pavement Pothole Repair with Recycled Material and Preheating. Presentation at NJDOT Research Showcase by Xiao Chen and Hao Wang. Retrieved here (Presentation) and here (Recording).


Join the NJ Mileage-Based User Fee Pilot for EVs!

If you live in New Jersey and drive an electric vehicle (EV),* you are invited to participate in the four-month New Jersey Mileage-Based User Fee (MBUF) Pilot for EVs. The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and The Eastern Transportation Coalition (Coalition) are looking for EV owners to share their opinions on an MBUF system and the future of New Jersey’s transportation funding.

The state and federal gas taxes have been a main source of transportation funding for more than one hundred years. As newer vehicles are going farther on less fuel and some have stopped using fuel at all, drivers are contributing less per mile to transportation funds. The Coalition is partnering with NJDOT to explore an MBUF, where each EV driver would contribute to our transportation system based on the miles they drive instead of the annual EV fee enacted in July 2024.

The Pilot is easy to join and free to participate in, and there are strict privacy measures in place to safeguard your data.

Enrollment for the Pilot begins October 1, 2024.

Visit NewJerseyMBUFpilot.org to learn more.

Courtesy of the Eastern Transportation Coalition. Learn more here.

*Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) are not eligible to participate in the Pilot.

26th Annual NJDOT Research Showcase – Register Now!


9:30 AMIntroduction and Housekeeping

David Maruca, Program Development Administrator
Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation
9:40 AM  Welcoming Remarks

Eric Powers, Assistant Commissioner Statewide Planning, Safety and Capital Investment
New Jersey Department of Transportation
9:45 AM  Opening Remarks 

Francis “Fran” O’Connor, Commissioner
New Jersey Department of Transportation
9:55 AM  Opening Remarks

Sutapa Bandyopadhyay, Planning and Program Development Manager
Federal Highway Administration New Jersey Division
10:00 AMKeynote Address

Jim Tymon, Executive Director
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
10:40 AMBreak
10:50 AM    Panel Discussion: How is NJDOT creating pathways to sustainability?

Moderator:  David Maruca, Program Development Administrator Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation  

Alex Borovskis, Director, Construction and Materials
Robert Blight, Executive Manager, Pavement & Drainage Management and Technology Bureau
Krishna Tripathi, Project Management Specialist, Project Management
Mohab Hussein, Supervising Engineer, Bureau of Structural Design & Geotechnical Engineering
Sushant Darji, Principal Engineer Planning, Bureau of Statewide Strategies
Giri Ventikeela, Innovation Officer, Bureau of Research, Innovation & Information Transfer
11:45 AM  Presentation of 2024 Awards  
Pragna Shah, Acting Manager
Bureau of Research, Innovation and Information Transfer
New Jersey Department of Transportation

2024 Outstanding University Student in Transportation Research Award
2024 NJDOT Research Implementation Award
2024 Best Poster Award
2024 Research Champion Award
2024 NJDOT Build a Better Mousetrap Award
2024 National High Value Research Award
12:00 PM  Buffet Lunch/Break
1:00 PM   Concurrent breakout sessions  

Poster Exhibit

The NJDOT Research Showcase is an event of the New Jersey Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Research and organized by the Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT).

Dr. Giri Venkiteela, Research Scientist, BRIIT, accepted two awards on behalf of the New Jersey Department of Transportation.

NJDOT Research Projects Receive High Value Research and Supplemental Awards by the AASHTO Research Advisory Committee

The Bureau of Research, Innovation and Information Transfer (BRIIT) is active in many national transportation efforts, including the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Dr. Giri Venkiteela, Research Scientist, BRIIT, is the Vice Chair of Region 1 of AASHTO’s Research Advisory Committee (RAC) that serves the Special Committee on Research & Innovation (R&I).

In late July 2024, he attended the RAC’s National Meeting in Columbus, Ohio and accepted two awards on behalf of the New Jersey Department of Transportation.

Every year, the High Value Research Task Force of AASHTO RAC holds a national competition to find four “high value” research projects from each of the four AASHTO regions in the country. In 2024, two research projects sponsored and managed by the New Jersey Department of Transportation were recognized nationally with awards.

Several experimental and numerical research activities were carried out to assess the mechanical properties and long-term durability of Advanced Reinforced Concrete materials
Several experimental and numerical research activities were carried out to assess the mechanical properties and long-term durability of Advanced Reinforced Concrete materials

The first project, Advanced Reinforced Concrete Materials for Transportation Infrastructure, was recognized as one of top 16 projects in the country and was managed by Dr. Venkiteela. The Principal Investigator for the study was Dr. Matthew Bandelt from the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and championed by NJDOT’s Bureau of Materials.

Transportation infrastructure systems must resist conditioning from the natural environment and physical demands from service loading to meet the needs of users across the state. Reinforced concrete, which is widely used in bridge decks, pavements, super- and substructures, and other systems, deteriorates under environmental conditioning due to electro-chemical processes that cause expansive mechanics stresses at various length scales (e.g., reinforcement corrosion, freeze-thaw, etc.), leading to costly and timely durability and maintenance challenges.

The project report, which provides a background on the state-of-the-art of advanced reinforced concrete materials that are being investigated to improve reinforced concrete transportation infrastructure. A series of experimental and numerical research activities were then carried out to assess the mechanical properties and long-term durability of these systems. Results show benefits across a range of metrics and have the potential to substantially improve the in-service behavior of reinforced concrete transportation infrastructure.

Methods to preheat an excavated pothole prior to repair were described to improve the interface bonding between existing pavements and hot filling material.
Methods to preheat an excavated pothole prior to repair were described to improve the interface bonding between existing pavements and hot filling material.

The second project, Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques, was recognized in the Maintenance, Management, and Prevention supplemental categories and was also managed by Dr. Venkiteela. Separate research reports were prepared for asphalt (Volume I) and concrete structures (Volume II). The Principal Investigator for the study was Dr. Hao Wang from Rutgers-Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation.

Pothole repair is one of the most important and frequent maintenance activities for highway agencies. Significant amounts of costs and resources are spent in pothole repair for material, labor, equipment, and traffic control. Cost-effective pothole repair methods can reduce or eliminate the possibility of re-patching and save future repair costs. The good condition of pothole repair with less cracking will also prevent reflective cracking when asphalt overlay is placed. Preheating the excavated pothole prior to repair has been found to improve the interface bonding between existing pavements and hot filling material, which can help enhance the overall performance of asphalt patches.

The long lifespan of a durable patch will reduce travel delay due to work zone and safety risk of highway users and workers. They will better preserve the condition of highway infrastructure and provide better service to the traveling public. The feasible usage of recycled materials can reduce the production of new material, which can contribute towards a more sustainable approach of roadway repair with economic and environmental benefits.

Additional information about the research teams for each research project and links to Final Reports, Technical Briefs, and select presentations given at the NJDOT Research Showcase or at Lunchtime Tech Talk can be found in the resources section below.


Bandelt, Matthew J., Matthew P. Adams, Hao Wang, Husam Najm, Andrew Bechtel, Seyed Masoud Shirkorshidi, and Jin Fan. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Materials for Transportation Infrastructure. No. FHWA NJ-2023-003. New Jersey. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Research, 2023. Final Report. Retrieved here.

Bandelt, Matthew J., Matthew P. Adams, Hao Wang, Husam Najm, Andrew Bechtel, Seyed Masoud Shirkorshidi, and Jin Fan. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Materials for Transportation Infrastructure. No. FHWA NJ-2023-003. New Jersey. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Research, 2023. Technical Brief. Retrieved here.

Lunchtime Tech Talk! Webinar: Advanced Reinforced Concrete Materials for Transportation Infrastructure. Webinar. Presentations by Matthew Bandelt and Matthew Adams. Retrieved here.

Wang, Hao, and Xiao Chen. “Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques Volume I: Asphalt Pavement.” (2024). Final Report. Retrieved here.

Wang, Hao, and Xiao Chen. Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques Volume I: Asphalt Pavement. (2024). Technical Brief. Retrieved here.

Najm, Husam, Bala Balaguru, Hao Wang, Hardik Yagnik, and Alissa Persad. “Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques Volume II: Concrete Structures.” (2024). Final Report. Retrieved here.

Najm, Husam, Bala Balaguru, Hao Wang, Hardik Yagnik, and Alissa Persad. “Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques Volume II: Concrete Structures.” (2024). Technical Brief. Retrieved here.

Asphalt Pavement Pothole Repair with Recycled Material and Preheating. Presentation at NJDOT Research Showcase by Xiao Chen and Hao Wang, Retrieved here (Presentation) and here (Recording).

People searching for information online. AASHTO and TRID logos.

Did You Know? AASHTO and TRID Resources

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Research Library offers valuable assistance in supporting various research tasks and for accessing resources. This article highlights recent publications from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), as well as publications indexed in the TRID database. For a background on AASHTO standards and the TRID database, please see our earlier “Did You Know?” article.

AASHTO Publications

Two recent AASHTO publications of note are a print version of the 11th edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) and the 2024 edition of AASHTO’s “Materials Standards” (published electronically).

The 11th edition of the MUTCD was published by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in December 2023 and is available as a free PDF download. It supersedes the previous 10th edition, published in 2009.

The new edition is also available in print format from the NJDOT Library, indexed and printed by AASHTO, in association with the American Traffic Safety Services Association and the Institute of Transportation Engineers. Users must register for a New Jersey State Library card in order to borrow any materials.

On July 31, AASHTO released the Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing, and AASHTO Provisional Standards, 44th Edition—2024, commonly referred to as the AASHTO “Materials Standards.” These standards contain specifications, recommended practices, and test methods commonly used in the construction of highway facilities. Provisional standards are also published to allow practitioners to use them early in the research or development phase. In addition to revisions to harmonize industry standards, update technology, and generally improve the standards, the 44th edition includes 15 conversions to dual units and more updates to temperature-measuring devices.

The Materials Standards are available in three files on the Research Library’s SharePoint site. In addition to those standards, the following AASHTO reports and standards, published in 2024, are available to NJDOT employees upon request:

  • 2022 AASHTO Salary Survey (Excel and PDF files).
  • 2022 Annual AASHTO State DOT HR Metrics Report.
  • 2024 Interim Revisions – Manual for Bridge Element Inspection 2nd Edition 2019.
  • 2024 Interim Revisions to the LRFD Steel Bridge Fabrication Specifications 1st Edition February 2023.
  • AASHTO 2024 Interim Revisions to the AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5: 2020 Bridge Welding Code, 8th Edition.
  • AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications – 4th Edition – 2024 Interim Revisions.
  • Commuting in America The National Report on Commuting Patterns and Trends—Brief 24.5. Machine Learning Approaches for Populations’ Hard-to-Capture Commuting Behavior.
  • Commuting in America The National Report on Commuting Patterns and Trends—Brief 24.6. Change and Variation in Mode Choice.
  • Guide for Accommodating Utilities within Highways and Freeways – 1st Edition – 2024.
  • Guide Specifications for Structural Design with Ultra-High Performance Concrete – 1st Edition.
  • Guidelines for Field Repairs and Retrofits of Steel Bridges, 1st Edition, G14.2-2023.
  • Movable Bridge Inspection Evaluation and Maintenance Manual – 2nd Edition – 2024 Interim Revisions.
  • Resources for Concrete Bridge Design and Construction – 1st Edition.
  • Survey of State Funding for Public Transportation – Final Report 2024 Based on FY2022 Data.
  • Uniform Audit and Accounting Guide for Audits of Architectural and Engineering (AE) Consulting Firms, 2024 Edition

TRID Database Search

The Research Library has compiled a brief scan of the TRID database search on the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases and carbon. There is an extraordinary growth in projects underway and recently completed research in transportation, covering a range of policy, planning, environment, materials, construction, multi-modal operations, and vehicle equipment, fuels and technology areas. Selected results from the past 6-12 months, focusing on surface transportation in the United States, are listed here:

Select Projects Underway

Effect of Carbon-Negative Carbon Black on Concrete Properties

Evaluating Carbon Reduction in Project Selection and Planning

Shaping Automated Vehicle Behaviors in Mixed Autonomy Traffic to Benefit All Road Users and Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Advancing Methods to Evaluate Greenhouse Gas Emissions During Transportation Decision Making and Performance Management

Shifting Gears to Sustainability: A Deep-Dive into Solar-Powered Bike Pathways

Advancing Active Transportation Project Evaluation

Impacts of Remote/Hybrid Work and Remote Services on Activity and Transportation Patterns

Select Recently Published


U.S. Department of Transportation. DOT Report to Congress: Decarbonizing U.S. Transportation. July 2024. https://trid.trb.org/View/2404234


Mullin, Megan; Feiock, Richard C; Niemeier, Deb. Climate Planning and Implementation in Metropolitan Transportation Governance. Journal of Planning Education and Research, Volume 44, Issue 1, 2024, pp 28-38. https://trid.trb.org/view/1936743


Jeong, Minseop, Jeehwan Bae, and Gayoung Yoo. “Urban roadside greenery as a carbon sink: Systematic assessment considering understory shrubs and soil respiration.” Science of the Total Environment 927 (2024). https://trid.trb.org/View/2377597

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. “Considering Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change in Environmental Reviews: Conduct of Research Report.” (2024). https://trid.trb.org/View/2404015

Kelly, Jarod C., Taemin Kim, Christopher P. Kolodziej, Rakesh K. Iyer, Shashwat Tripathi, Amgad Elgowainy, and Michael Wang. Comprehensive Cradle to Grave Life Cycle Analysis of On-Road Vehicles in the United States Based on GREET. No. 2024-01-2830. SAE Technical Paper, 2024. https://trid.trb.org/View/2367212

Ashtiani, Milad Zokaei, Monica Huang, Meghan C. Lewis, Jordan Palmeri, and Kathrina Simonen. “Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory from Roadway Construction: Case Study for the Washington State Department of Transportation.” Transportation Research Record (2024). https://trid.trb.org/View/2352361

Zuzhao Ye, Nanpeng Yu, Ran Wei. Joint planning of charging stations and power systems for heavy-duty drayage trucks, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 134, 104320 (2024). https://trid.trb.org/View/2408518

Materials and Construction

Lopez, Sarah, Lawrence Sutter, R. Douglas Hooton, Thomas Van Dam, Allison Innis, and Kevin Senn. “Breaking Barriers to Low Carbon Concrete Pavements.” Transportation Research Record (2024). https://trid.trb.org/View/2387006

Equipment, Fuels and Technology

Dugoua, Eugenie; Dumas, Marion. Coordination dynamics between fuel cell and battery technologies in the transition to clean cars. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 121, Issue 27, 2024, e2318605121. https://trid.trb.org/view/2399820

Jung, Philipp Emanuel; Guenthner, Michael; Walter, Nicolas. Guided Port Injection of Hydrogen as an Approach for Reducing Cylinder-to-Cylinder Deviations in Spark-Ignited H2 Engines – A Numerical Investigation. SAE Technical Paper, 2024. https://trid.trb.org/view/2397724

Wallace, Julian; Mitchell, Robert; Rao, Sandesh; Jones, Kevin; Kramer, Dustin; Wang, Yanyu; Chambon, Paul; Sjovall, Scott; Williams, D. Development of a Hybrid-Electric Medium-HD Demonstrator Vehicle with a Pent-Roof SI Natural Gas Engine. SAE Technical Paper, 2024. https://trid.trb.org/view/2397750

Wine, Jonathan; Ahmad, Zar Nigar; McCarthy, Jr., James; Prikhodko, Vitaly; Pihl, Josh; Tate, Ivan; Bradley, Ryan; Howell, Thomas. On Road vs. Off Road Low Load Cycle Comparison. SAE Technical Paper, 2024. https://trid.trb.org/view/2367799

Please contact the NJDOT research librarian, Eric Schwarz, MLIS, at (609) 963-1898, or email library@dot.nj.gov for assistance in your transportation research, or to customize your searches in TRID and other databases.

NJDOT’s Research Librarian Recognized by the Special Libraries Association with 2024 Innovation Award for Work on the NJDOT Memorial Wall

The Special Libraries Association (SLA) recently announced that its 2024 Innovation Award recipient was Eric Schwarz, NJDOT’s Research Librarian, for his archival research work on the New Jersey DOT Memorial Wall. The SLA Transportation Community Board unanimously approved the nomination and a plaque, sponsored by National Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP), was provided in acknowledgement of the achievement. News of the award winners was announced via the National Transportation Knowledge Network (NTKN) Blog. The award will be officially announced at the SLA Annual Conference in Rhode Island later this month.

NJDOT Research Librarian, Eric Schwarz, with SLATRAN 2024 Innovation Award. Photo: Glenn Catana/NJDOT.

The SLA’s award announcement notes the following:

  • In 2000, the NJDOT erected an Employee Memorial wall with a plaque for each of the 32 employees known to have died under these circumstances. Over the years, four names were added, including those of employees who gave their lives in 2007 and 2010. This brought the pre-2023 total of known names to 36.
  • In early 2023, NJDOT Research Librarian Eric Schwarz found the names of five additional men who had sacrificed their lives, in an employee newspaper called The Highway, published from 1942 to 1950. These names were added to the wall during the NJDOT’s 23rd Annual Remembrance Ceremony and 22nd Anniversary of 9/11, held on September 11, 2023.
  • Using the accounts from The Highway, supplemented by research using the New Jersey State Library’s newspaper databases and draft registration cards from the military records database (Fold3), Eric pieced together the stories of these five men, their deaths, and their lives. He presented stories of these men, and of the archival and digitization work, as the keynote speaker at the NJDOT 2023 Remembrance Ceremony.
  • Then-New Jersey Transportation Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti presented Eric Schwarz with a plaque for his research leading to the addition of five names on the memorial wall.
  • Based on this work, Eric presented a poster at the TRB Annual Meeting on Jan. 8, 2024, “Discoveries in the First Year of New Jersey DOT’s Digitization Project.”  He also presented the project to the Transportation Librarians Roundtable, Special Libraries Association Transportation Community Collection Showcase, and several other venues.
Eric presented “lessons learned” implementing Digitization Project during TRB poster session at Annual Meeting in Washington DC.

Earlier this year, Eric gave a “Lunch and Learn” presentation to NJDOT employees that provided information about NJDOT’s Digitization Project along with the poster presented at the 2024 TRB Annual Meeting,  

More information about the online resources and historical documents that have been compiled with support from about Transportation Research and Connectivity Pooled Fund Study Digitization Project (TPF-5(442)) study were shared during the presentation.


Join the Build a Better Mousetrap Competition!

New Jersey’s Build a Better Mousetrap Competition is currently underway!

NJ 2024 Build a Better Mousetrap Competition is underway!

The competition provides a great opportunity to share your ingenious and implemented solutions in transportation with others in New Jersey and across the country. These innovations can range from the development of tools and equipment modifications to the implementation of new processes that increase safety, reduce cost, and improve efficiency of our transportation system.

We are looking for submissions from employees of any local, county or state public agency, including the New Jersey Department of Transportation and NJ TRANSIT that have developed new solutions to problems or found better ways of doing things.

Winners will be chosen in two categories: Operations and Organizational Improvement. This competition is sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration’s Local Technical Assistance Program and Tribal Technical Assistance Program, and local public agency winners will be entered in the annual National LTAP/TTAP Conference.

A state winner in each category will also be selected and presented at the Annual NJDOT Research Showcase later this fall. The deadline for submissions has been extended to August 15, 2024.

2023 Winner: Route 71 Over the Shark River Bridge, Gerald Oliveto, NJDOT

New Jersey’s “Route 71 Over Shark River Road Diet Project” in Monmouth County was recognized with the “Bold Steps” Award in the Federal Highway Administration’s national competition last year as described here.

There is still time to share your ingenious solutions! Past examples of NJ’s recognized BABM award winning entries can be found here. More information about how to enter the competition and to download an entry form can be found here.