What is Pavement Preservation (How, When and Where)

Preservation includes work that is planned and performed to improve or sustain the condition of the transportation facility in a state of good repair. Preservation activities generally do not add capacity or structural value, but do restore the transportation facility’s overall condition.

Pavement Preservation

Whether a highway pavement is constructed using asphalt, concrete or a composite system, traffic loads and environmental elements will contribute to its deterioration over time. Pavement preservation treatments can slow this structural decline. When the right treatment is applied at the right time with quality materials and construction, these practices offer a proven, cost-effective approach to extending the overall service life of pavements and achieving smoother, safer roads with fewer costly repairs.

Just as pavements differ, so do pavement preservation treatments. There is an array of different analyses, treatments, and construction methods that can help infrastructure owners achieve and sustain a desired state of good repair for their transportation facilities—despite tight budgets.

The When and Where component of this innovation, as part of the fourth round of Every Day Counts (EDC-4), supports preserving highway investments by managing transportation pavements proactively. The How component promotes quality construction and materials practices, including treatment options that apply to both flexible and rigid pavements.

Applying a pavement preservation treatment at the right time (when), on the right project (where), with quality materials and construction (how) is a critical investment strategy for optimizing infrastructure performance.

Learn more about this EDC-4 Innovation.

Pavement Preservation in NJ

Stage of Innovation:

NJ has institutionalized design guidance, research, asset management systems, and funding for pavement preservation on state roadways.

Developed Specifications and Constructed Preservation Treatments. NJDOT’s Pavement and Drainage Management and Technology has developed specifications and successfully constructed preservation treatments, including slurry seals, microsurfacing, and High Performance Thin Overlay (HPTO) and Ultrathin Frictional Course (UTFC).  NJDOT has also developed a specification for Asphalt Rubber (AR) Chip Seal.

Instituted Research to Conduct Evaluations of Pavement Preservation Treatments.  NJDOT has established a Pavement Support Program with Rutgers to conduct evaluations of the performance and value of preservation treatments.

Established Pavement Management System to Set Funding for Pavement Preservation.  NJDOT has steadily increased its investment in pavement preservation over the last decade.  NJDOT's Pavement Management System (PMS) strengthens asset management planning and the identification of the right level of investment for preservation treatments.  NJDOT will continue to use its Pavement Management System to identify recommended levels of investment and promote this level of preservation spending for the foreseeable future.


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The FHWA's EDC News Weekly Newsletter featured NJDOT's use of HPTO as a cost-effective pavement preservation tool. ...
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Pavement Preservation Treatments at NJDOT

Pavement Preservation Treatments at NJDOT

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