26th Annual NJDOT Research Showcase – Call for Abstracts!

To be considered, please email your proposed presentation topic(s) with accompanying abstract(s) to Janet Leli (jleli@soe.rutgers.edu), Director of the New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program, no later than September 18, 2024.

■  Title and abstract of the presentation
■  Name and email address of the person who will be presenting
■  Which category your project most closely aligns with:

■  Any additional information you feel necessary

All submitters will receive a confirmation regarding the selection committee’s final decisions.

Further information is available on the Research Showcase event website, including a call for abstracts, a call for posters, and nomination forms for awards for research implementation and outstanding university student.  Further details about the respective deadlines for each of these submissions will be found on the event website. Registration is now open.

Thank you for your interest and participation in the NJDOT Transportation Research Program.

The NJDOT Research Showcase is an event of the New Jersey Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Research and organized by the Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT).

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